Automotive Repair Shop

We can upgrade any limousine with pop out windows or roof escape hatches to comply with the new California law known as SB 109

We can customize both trucks and SUV’s to 6-Doors.

Customizing the bus industry with the limousine comfort and luxury.

Our Mission is to Retrofit and customize a higher quality innovative Limousines to suit our individual customer needs,While paying attention to details.

We Retrofit All Body Styles
27375. (a) Any person who operates a limousine, as defined in subdivision (i) of Section 5371.4 of the Public Utilities Code, in any city, county, or city and county, that has been modified or extended for purposes of increasing vehicle length in an amount sufficient to accommodate additional passengers shall ensure that the vehicle has at least two rear side doors and one or two rear windows, as specified in paragraph (1), that the rear seat passengers or all passengers of the vehicle may open from the inside of the vehicle in case of any fire or other emergency that may require the immediate exit of the passengers of the vehicle. A limousine subject to this section shall be equipped with both of the following:
(1) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), at least two rear push-out windows that are accessible to all passengers. At least one push-out window shall be located on each side of the vehicle, unless the design of the limousine precludes the installation of a push-out window on one side of the vehicle, in which case the second push-out window shall instead be located in the roof of the vehicle.
- Stretched SUV Limos
- Stretched Sedan Limos
- Six-Door Truck Conversion
- Non-Stretched Mobile Office